

Page history last edited by Jurgutis Vytautas Daukantas 6 years, 7 months ago

Developmental Psychologists


Each of these individuals made great contributions to the field of developmental psychology. As a newcomer to this gathering, your first impulse is to find out who each of these gentlemen are (and why there are no women, by the way). You've done some research beforehand, so have a few biographical tidbits about each person in hand. As you recognize each person by face (in this case, photo) add one or two pieces of biographical infromation to the image. This way you'll be able to associate the person with the personal history or context the individual came out of or is/was working within.


You've also created a set of notecards prior to coming to this salon. You've created a caption, or 1-2 sentence description, of what you consider to be the person's most significant contribution(s) to the field of developmental psychology. Share that description here, after the biographical information.


Finally, you get your chance to mingle with these gentlemen. What are your impressions? Share some thoughts here about meeting "X": What was X's preferred food and beverage? With whom did X seem to get along well, and with whom did he argue? If you caught some snippets of dialogue, feel free to share.


Now, GMT / EST July 17th, 2018 Instruction for dismantling  http://helpcenter.wikispaces.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2920537-classroom-and-free-wikis



Classroom and Free Wikis

Last Updated: Jun 14, 2018 09:53AM BST

Classroom and Free Wikis

We regret to inform you that Wikispaces Classroom and Free Wikis will be decommissioned on 31st July 2018.


It has been a very tough business decision during which all angles of the Wikispaces site were considered in great detail.  Wikispaces began in 2005 and went from strength to strength, being one of the earlier Wiki sites.  However more recently, technology has surpassed the site as more and more Wiki sites became available.  Over the last twelve months we have been carrying out a complete technical review of the infrastructure and software we use to serve Wikispaces users. As part of this review, it has become very apparent that the required investment to bring the infrastructure and code in line with modern standards is very substantial.  As such it is no longer financially viable to continue to run Wikispaces long term.


What’s next?

Free and Classroom Wikis will cease to exist past 31st July 2018 23.59 GMT+1.  After this date, you will be unable to access your data.  Therefore we strongly suggest you take steps to extract any data you wish to retain from the site before this date.

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I have very sensitive data on my site, what will happen to it once Wikispaces closes?

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Is there any way of exporting my Wiki direct to another host site?

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Are there alternatives to Wikispaces I can use?

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The simplest wiki solution for your business or classroom. Share content and files, capture knowledge and manage processes.

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What will happen to all my work I uploaded?

Once the site closes for good your work will be permanently deleted from our database.  Therefore it is advisable to export your content, as mentioned above. 

I did not create the Wiki but I use it and rely on it, what can I do to obtain content?

Content is owned by the Wiki Organizer/s and unfortunately, we do not moderate individual wikis.
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Why are there different end dates for different types of Wikis?

To enable us to offer maximum support to customers off-boarding from Wikispaces we will be undertaking a phased shutdown approach.  This will help us regulate the system load on the export tool as users depart from Wikispaces.


Redirect On Wikis

We have developed a new redirect feature. To make full use of the feature, please navigate to the relevant Wiki, select 'Settings' and then 'Domain Redirect'.

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  1. Only valid domains will be accepted
  2. The redirect functions for the whole Wiki
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How will we ensure all data is removed once the site closes?

Dedicated Hardware

Within Wikispaces we have 14 servers that are dedicated to either serving web traffic or as a Database layer. These servers are leased from a mainstream vendor and as such Wikispaces does not own the hardware. To ensure that all data related to Wikispaces clients has been removed prior to retiring the hardware it is our intention to run a DOD compliant 7 pass wipe of any volume that has held client data.
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Cloud-based services

We run a number of our services within AWS and as per the recommendation from AWS all volumes will be wiped via a 7 pass method, once the wipe is complete the EBS volumes will be retried back into AWS.

Where we have data held within S3 we rely on the methods documented by AWS -
"When an object is deleted from Amazon S3, removal of the mapping from the public name to the object starts immediately and is generally processed across the distributed system within several seconds. Once the mapping is removed, there is no external access to the deleted object. That storage area is then made available only for write operations and the data is overwritten by newly stored data."

Is there a Forum I can discuss ideas with other Wiki Organizers/ Members?

There is a forum you can visit which has been set up by a wiki organizer.  Please be advised that this forum is not monitored by or in any way affiliated with Wikispaces.  
If you are interested in visiting this, please navigate to; https://wikispaces-refugees.groups.io/g/main to request to join the group.





Comments (2)

Jurgutis Vytautas Daukantas said

at 4:10 pm on Jun 16, 2012

Jurgutis Vytautas Daukantas said

at 4:18 pm on Jun 16, 2012

I wanted to add to the forum posts of other course mates. I was captured by the way that coursemates and obvious parents accepted Uri Bronfenbrenner's Bio Ecological approach to human development . In a review of the literature ,Frank,Lei & Zhao , (2003) discuss Ecological Systems Theory and Urie Bronfenbrenner, (April 29,1917–September 25, 2005(1917-2005) see (figure A ), http://tinyurl.com/cexjfyb , a Russian American psychologist, besides his Bio- Ecological Systems Theory was also a co-founder of the Head Start program in the United States for disadvantaged pre-school children pioneered a path of investigative research studies which adds to the work of other Eco- systems authors as Dr. Ken Frank, Jing Lei and Yong Zhao of Michigan State University in more detail, https://www.msu.edu/user/k/e/kenfrank/web/index.htm .

thanks , george

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